参加者 - ParticipantsPermalink
Ai.step, AMANO Makoto, ISHIDA Hidetaka, ODAWARA Nodoka, KATO Akihiro, KUWAKUBO Ryota, KOBAYASHI Shigeru,TANJI Keizo, NISHIDA Kiyu, HIRASE Miki, FUJIHATA Masaki, MATSUI Shigeru, MIZUTANI Tamami
会期 - DatePermalink
2021年3月31日(水)9時〜21時 (予定)
March 31 (Wed.), 9:00 to 21:00 (tentative), 2021
March 31 (Wed.), 9:00 to 21:00 (tentative), 2021
概要 - AbstractPermalink
We will hold an event online on Wednesday, March 31, 2021.
Fujihata, who was exposed to the early developments of the Internet, said, “Historically, a place where many users are attracted to a singular value is a place called a ‘monument,’” and asked, “Is it possible to create a symbolic monument on the Internet as an extension of this idea?”
In the year 2020, after the experience of intimacy and isolation brought by telecommunication, we wanted to ruminate on the question we asked a quarter of a century ago.
Today, our society may accept this question with more urgency. For example, does a work of art have to be a physically existing object, what exactly is an artistic experience, and what media does that experience require? When it is difficult to follow conventional customs such as execution and exhibition, process and documentation, work and exhibition, artist and audience, museum and atelier, it is possible to question the basic principles of art.
In doing so, we focused on the word “moment.” Monuments may have existed in “moments” that had been whittled away by formats and powers that are (thought to be) permanent. Craving for such a rich turn, we will conduct a thought experiment online that is departed from conventional constraints.
Rather than waiting for daily life to return to normal, we foresee that in reality, the meaning of events and experiences and the roles of people will change.
We will be updating information about the event as it happens until Wednesday, March 31, 2021. We look forward to your participation on the day of the event as well as sharing in the discussion. (written by Shigeru Matsui and Keizo Tanji)
テキスト - TextsPermalink
「2021年1月25日。私は「メタ・モ(ニュ)メント2021」と題した企画書を書いた。そして数名の作家にメールした。」 松井茂 / MATSUI Shigeru
mtg覚え書き:「声」について 丹治圭蔵 / TANJI Keizo
オンライン展覧会について考えていること 小林茂 / KOBAYASHI Shigeru
割れたサラダボウル 藤幡正樹 / FUJIHATA Masaki
「制度とのプロレス」の向こう側 ミズタニタマミ / MIZUTANI Tamami
メタ・モ(ニュ)メント2021まえせつ音声版 松井茂 / MATSUI Shigeru
特設会場 - Special site for this event
企画 - OrganizerPermalink