加藤 明洋 / Akihiro KATO
Born in 1992. Media artist.
Based in Tokyo since 2021.
Graduated from Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences (IAMAS). 
He specializes in web engineering and produces a wide range of installation works, including blockchain/NFT-based works, board games, sculptures, and video works. He creates works that depict the relationship between technology and society through a combination of digital/physical media.
Education and job history
2022.9 - Freelance
2019.4 - 2022.9 Startbahn inc. Engineer
2018.3 - 2019.3 Hakbee Lanka.inc Engineer
2016.4 - 2018.3 Institutes Advanced Media Arts and Science Graduated from Graduate School of Media Expression.
2010.4 - 2014.3 Chukyo Univ, Department of Information Media Engineering, Faculty of Information Science and Technology
2024 - Prix Ars Electronica 2024 Interactive Art + Honorary Mention
2024 - Finalist at The 29th ifva Awards [Kazokutchi]
2023 - Special Prize at WIRED Creative Hack Award 2023 [Kazokutchi]
2023 - Yamanashi Media Arts Award 2022 [WAN NYAN WARS]
2021 - Finalist at WIRED CREATIVE HACK AWARD 2021 [BAIS]

2018 - Sony Special Prize at WIRED Creative Hack Award 2018. [TRUSTLESS LIFE]
2018 - Excellence Prize at Digital contents category at International Students Creative Award 2018 . [TRUSTLESS LIFE]
2018 - Finalist at YouFab Global Creative Awards 2018. [TRUSTLESS LIFE]
2018 - Media Ambition Tokyo Prize and Miraikan Prize at Campus Geneus Contest 2018. [TRUSTLESS LIFE]
2018 - Finalist at Art category and Entertainment category at Campus Geneus Contest 2018. [TRUSTLESS LIFE]
2017 - Jury Prize at Kitakyushu Digital Creator Contest 2018. [TRUSTLESS LIFE]
2024 Jun 13 - Dec 31, Millennials The media art of Generation Y, LABoral Art and Industrial Creation Centre, Gijón, Spain
2024 Feb 24 - Mar 17, the 29th ifva festival, Hong Kong, China
2024 Jan 12 - 14, Proof of X - Decoding PFP Culture, Tokyo, Japan
2023 Dec 15 - 2024 Mar 10, Invisibles in the Neo City, SusHi Tech Square 1F, Tokyo, Japan
2023 Dec 1 - 2024 Mar 3, MOT ANNUAL 2023 Synergies, or between creation and generation, Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
2023 Oct 17 - 29, Living Systems – Concepts of Natural and Artificial Otherness in Collective Habitats, Museum of contemporary art, Zagreb, Croatia
2023 Sep 29 - Dec 3, SYSTEMS exhibition, Vantaa Art Museum Artsi, Vantaa, Finland
2023 Sep 1 - 3, art stage OSAKA - The Door to the Future, Osaka, Japan
2023 Jun 17 - 25, Proof of X - Blockchain As A New Medium For Art, Tokyo, Japan
2023 May 10 - 27, The WRO Media Art BiennaleWrocław, Poland
2023 Mar 17 - Sep 16, FOUNDATION - A WEB3 MEDIA ART FESTIVAL未來史詩:網絡媒體藝術節, Online
2022 Oct 29 - Nov 13, Digital Antiques Exhibition, Tokyo, Japan
2022 Jun 25 -, ICC Annual 2022: Life / Likeness, Tokyo, Japan
2022 Apr 21 - May 1, Proof of X - NFT as New Media Art, Tokyo, Japan.
2022 Mar 18 - Apr 17, Pola Museum Annex, Tokyo, Japan.
2022 Mar 10 - 16, Art Faire Tokyo 2022, Tokyo, Japan.
2021 Feb 6, BAIS Online Exhibition / Youtube
2020 Jan 11, 15, 18, [TRUSTLESS LIFE Tokyo 2040 / Solo Exhibition] AIKOKO Gallery / Tokyo, Japan
2019 Feb 24 - Mar 3, Media Ambition Tokyo / Tokyo, Japan.
2019 Feb 17 - Mar 3, YouFab 2018 Exhibition Polemica! / Tokyo, Japan.
2019 Feb 16 - 17, CGC Meeting / Tokyo, Japan.
2018 Nov 30 - Dec 2, International Student Creative Award Exhibition 2018 / Osaka, Japan.
2018 Feb 22 - 25, Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences Graduation and Project Research Exhibition 2018 / Gifu, Japan.

Grants and Residences

2023 Sep 15, Toshiaki Ogasawara Memorial Foundation Travel Grant early 2023
2023 Mar 14, Fourth open call of fiscal year 2022 Startup Grant ARTS COUNCIL TOKYO
2022 Jun 25 - 2023 Mar 31, NTT ICC Online Artist in Residence
2022.9 - フリーランス
2019.4 - 2022.9 スタートバーン株式会社
2018.3 - 2019.3 Hakbee Lanka.inc
2016.4 - 2018.3 情報科学芸術大学院大学 メディア表現研究科 修了
2010.4 - 2014.3 中京大学情報理工学部情報メディア工学科 卒業

2024 - Prix Ars Electronica 2024 Interactive Art + Honorary Mention [かぞくっち]
2023 - Special Prize at WIRED Creative Hack Award 2023 [かぞくっち]
2023 - やまなしメディア芸術アワード 2022 入選 [WAN NYAN WARS]

2021 - CREATIVE HACK AWARD 2021 ノミネート [BAIS]
2018 - YouFab Global Creative Awards 2018 ノミネート [TRUSTLESS LIFE]
2018 - 第24回 学生CGコンテスト MediaAmbitionTokyo賞&未来館賞 [TRUSTLESS LIFE]
2018 - 北九州デジタルクリエーターコンテスト2018 中谷日出 審査員賞 [TRUSTLESS LIFE]
2024 Jun 13 - Dec 31, Millennials The media art of Generation Y, LABoral Art and Industrial Creation Centre, Gijón, Spain
2024 Feb 24 - Mar 17, the 29th ifva festival, Hong Kong, China
2024 Jan 12 - 14, Proof of X - Decoding PFP Culture, Tokyo, Japan
2023 Dec 15 - 2024 Mar 10, 都市にひそむミエナイモノ展 Invisibles in the Neo City, SusHi Tech Square 1F, Tokyo, Japan
2023 Dec 1 - 2024 Mar 3, MOTアニュアル2023 シナジー、創造と生成のあいだ, 東京都現代美術館, Tokyo, Japan
2023 Oct 17 - 29, Living Systems – Concepts of Natural and Artificial Otherness in Collective Habitats, Museum of contemporary art, Zagreb, Croatia
2023 Sep 29 - Dec 3, SYSTEMS exhibition, Vantaa Art Museum Artsi, Vantaa, Finland
2023 Sep 1 - 3, art stage OSAKA, Osaka, Japan
2023 Jun 17 - 25, Proof of X - Blockchain As A New Medium For Art, Tokyo, Japan
2023 May 10 - 27 The WRO Media Art BiennaleWrocław, Poland
2023 Mar 17 - Sep 16 FOUNDATION - A WEB3 MEDIA ART FESTIVAL 未來史詩:網絡媒體藝術節
2022 Oct 29 - Nov 13 デジタル骨董展ーこれからの価値と所有を考えるー, Tokyo, Japan
2022 Jun 25 - Mar 15 ICC アニュアル 2022 生命的なものたち, Tokyo, Japan
2022 Apr 21 - May 1, Proof of X - NFT as New Media Art, Tokyo, Japan.
2022 Mar 18 - Apr 17, Pola Museum Annex, Tokyo, Japan.
2022 Mar 10 - 16, Art Faire Tokyo 2022, Tokyo, Japan.
2021 Feb 6, BAIS Online Exhibition / Youtube
2020 Jan 11, 15, 18, TRUSTLESS LIFE Tokyo 2040 / Solo Exhibition AIKOKO Gallery / Tokyo, Japan
2019 Feb 24 - Mar 3, Media Ambition Tokyo / Tokyo, Japan.
2019 Feb 17 - Mar 3, YouFab 2018 Exhibition Polemica! / Tokyo, Japan.
2019 Feb 16 - 17, CGC Meeting / Tokyo, Japan.
2018 Nov 30 - Dec 2, International Student Creative Award Exhibition 2018 / Osaka, Japan.
2018 Feb 22 - 25, Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences Graduation and Project Research Exhibition 2018 / Gifu, Japan.


2023 Sep 15 小笠原敏晶記念財団 2023年度前期 渡航・旅費等の助成
2023 Mar 14 アーツカウンシル東京 令和4(2022)年度 第4回 スタートアップ助成
2022 Jun 25 - 2023 Mar 31 NTT ICC オンライン・アーティスト・イン・レジデンス
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